Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crazy Beautiful

It was crazy and it was definitely beautiful.   Table Mountain was really a spur-of-the-moment hike, although it has been somewhat on my "to-hike" list since moving to Tucson.  With it 'now' being May 1st, I had a feeling we wouldn't have such beautiful hiking weather again until probably next fall.  Table mountain has a very distinct look when compared to the surrounding mountains.  You would know it if you saw it; its the white, squarish, shrub covered mountain on the southwest side of the Catalina's.  From the northwest, it is the highest point of Pusch Ridge.  The only drawback to it being an amazingly cool mountain is the fact that half the trip is bushwhacking up the side of the mountain through cactus and other not-so-friendly plants.  All in all it was well worth the trip

The First mile or so from the parking lot is just taking you to the mouth of the canyon.  This is the view looking southeast towered downtown and the Tucson Mountains.

Our first glimpse of "Table Mountain" since starting the hike.  Looks a little farther than I thought.

Not long before leaving the canyon floor, and the trail, we came to this beautiful pool for a short rest.

A view up Pima Canyon

About halfway up the clouds begin to look a little ominous.  Thankfully this did not last

Pusch Ridge and the summit of Table Mountain.  This is looking northeast towered Mount Lemon

The "victory name signing" at the summit.  One person humorously wrote "At this point I don't have any legs left"

In the foreground you can see Oracle Road going left to right..  The little "bump" in the middle of the image is Picacho Peak

Thanks for Looking,
Robert Wilson


  1. Impressive pics and hike, good job, thanks for sharing them with us who can't make it there =)

  2. Very Nice Robert! You got some great shots and had some great company for the hike I see... :-)
